Montag, 25. April 2011

Easter monday sucks a bit...

....bc i have to stay inside !I have a bad sun allergy and it drives me nuts. My arms and chest are red, itchy and hot...i feel like crap and can't stand the sun at the moment. But for beeing so super brave i got myself a big mc flurry with smarties from mc donalds!

We already used our camper for the first time and it was great. It's so good to have more space, a place to cook and you can be on your own if you need some alone time at the dropzone. The bed is really comfy and i love weaking up and the sun shines into the camper.....lucky me.

We were at the dropzone nearby the whole easter weekend and Sylvio made some tandemjumps ( i think about 15 or so ). This morning he left for a one-week-training...skydiving for sure. He loves his job so much that he could do it every

I just read a blog called Wades's about a marine wife who lost her husband . If you want to check it's the link ... .
It makes me so sad that she has to deal with that in her life. And it shows me again that we all should love our lifes and be thankful every day.