Montag, 30. August 2010

What is your husband's name? Still boyfriend but his name is Sylvio
How long have you been together? We started dating in May 2009..together for 1 year now.
Who said "I love you" first? He did..when i was drunk.
Who is smarter? He is! But I try to keep up.
Who does the housework? Me bc he lives on base during the week.But at the weekends he does the dishes and helps cooking.
Who sleeps on the right? Facing the bed I am on the left and he is on the right.
Who pays the bills? We both.
Who cooks dinner? I do...but he helps a lot.
Who is more stubborn? We both are, in different ways.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me first.
Who asked out who first? He asked me.
Who proposed? No one....
Who has more siblings?He does...1 brother and 2 sisters.
Who wears the pants? He does, when it matters. I do when it comes to trivial things like ordering at a restaurant or manning the remote control.

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